Energy Efficiency Resources - Guidelines and Programs

Over the course of the history of the pool industry, many great strides have been made to increase energy efficiency in products and regulations. Now is the best time ever to invest in energy-efficient products for your home or small business. Below are a list of organizations leading the energy efficiency revolution, and some articles that outline what’s happening in the pool industry:

Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency

“DSIRE is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency in the United States.” Their Rebate Finder is one of the most practical tools for homeowners to take advantage of these programs.

Department of Energy (DOE)

“The mission of the Energy Department is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.” The Department of Energy is the regulatory body that establishes the manufacturing standards for the pool industry. Because of the new DOE regulations, manufacturers will be required to meet minimum energy- efficiency requirements for every pump they produce. Pool pumps manufactured on and after July 19, 2021 will be required to be labeled with their WEF ratings, helping pool pros and pool owners more easily evaluate and compare the energy efficiency across models and brands.

Energy Star

“ENERGY STAR® is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions.

EPA enables utilities to leverage ENERGY STAR as a common national platform, avoiding the creation of hundreds of independent utility programs across the nation, which could fragment the market and stall innovation. More than 800 utilities, state and local governments, and nonprofits leverage ENERGY STAR in their efficiency programs, reaching roughly 95% of households in all 50 states.”

In the past decade, the energy star certification for pool pumps has transformed the way energy-efficient products are leveraged by business owners and manufacturers. They have a plethora of tools to help inform and empower the public in energy AND money saving opportunities.


Fluidra, maker of one of the most energy efficient pool systems, is well known in the industry for innovative pool products that provide customers a better life. They have a Department of Energy Page that features their energy efficient products, the benefits of variable speed pumps, and DOE regulations.


Hayward's easy-to-use Energy Solutions Calculator computes your estimated savings by switching to the Hayward family of variable speed pumps. Additionally, the Energy Solutions Calculator can show you how much MORE you can save by switching to a Hayward energy efficient filter, cleaner, heater or heat pump, control or lighting product.


Pentair is one of the leading manufacturers of pool pumps. They published an excellent resource on the impact of energy-efficient changes in the pool industry. Filled with useful infographics, calculators, and brochures, it brings technical information down to a more digestible level.

Environmental Protection Agency

“EPA provides a single national platform for utilities and local governments. Nationwide, utilities invest several billion dollars annually in energy efficiency programs. With hundreds of disparate utilities scattered around the country, EPA plays a critical unifying role to guide their energy efficiency programs.”

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA)

(Formerly known as the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals)

“The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance protects and advances the common interests of the industry by providing education, advocacy, standards development, research, and market growth to increase our members’ professionalism, knowledge and profitability.” Their APSP-15 standard establishes the requirements for residential inground pool and spa efficiency.

Aqua Magazine

AQUA Magazine is a resource for retailers, builders and service pros in the pool and spa industry. They have a helpful article on how to maximize energy efficiency.