Guide to Pool Closing Chemicals

When summer fun winds down and fall breezes blow in, it’s time to close the pool. While this chore brings reluctant groans, it’s important to close your pool carefully in order to protect it for the next swim season.

Going through the steps to properly close your pool makes opening it the next spring so much nicer. Instead of opening a pool that resembles a green swamp, you should find clean and clear water that simply needs chemical balancing. Plus, properly winterizing your pool can save you money. By taking cautious steps now, you can avoid expensive repair costs for frozen plumping lines and busted pool equipment.

To learn more about pool closing chemicals, keep reading. We’ll share pool closing information for inground, saltwater, and above ground pools.

Closing Chemicals Generic

What chemicals do I need to close my pool?

Many chemicals you need for closing your pool are things you use for regular pool maintenance. Other chemicals needed to close a pool work specifically to keep pool water clean during winter months. After you analyze your pool chemical levels and conditions, you may need to add some or all of these chemicals:

What chemicals are needed to close an inground pool?

Before you start adding pool chemicals for winter closing, you need to figure out the condition of your water. Use a home test kit such as a liquid testing kit or easy-to-use test strips. For a more precise analysis, you can bring a water sample to your local pool store for professional testing.

Closing Chemicals Inground Pool Lofthus

Pool chemical levels should be at these desired levels:

  • pH should be between 7.2 – 7.4
  • Total Alkalinity should range between 80-120 ppm
  • Calcium Hardness should range between 200-400 ppm
  • Free chlorine should range between 1.5-2.5 ppm

After you test your water, add chlorine and acidic or alkaline substances to get chemical levels in the desired range. Before adding winter pool chemicals, be sure to vacuum, remove leaves and debris, and scrub your pool thoroughly in order to assist chemicals in working effectively.

When basic pool chemistry is balanced, you want to shock your pool. You don’t have to spend extra money on stabilized pool shock unless you have an old or flimsy pool cover. A sturdy pool cover will protect the water from sunlight, so unstabilized chlorine works perfectly.

Other pool closing chemicals include optional chemicals for your specific water needs:

  • If you use a copper algaecide or have high-metal content in your tap water, a stain preventer can keep the copper from staining your pool.

  • Pool enzymes are a helpful add-in if you have a mesh cover that allows rain and pollutants into your pool.

  • Add a winter algaecide to prevent your water from turning green over the winter.

Closing Chemicals Above Ground Pool

What chemicals do you need to close an above ground pool?

To close an above-ground pool, you need many of the same chemicals needed to close an inground pool. Test and balance chemical levels, using chlorine, alkalizers or acids. Keep in mind these differences for above ground pool closing chemicals:

  • Use a non-chlorine pool shock in above ground vinyl pools or plaster pools. The vinyl or plaster can corrode from harsh chlorine pool shock.

  • Clean your pool and prepare to cover for the winter. Remove ladders and rails so that your pool cover fits securely and prevents rain or snow from disturbing your winter pool chemistry.

Pool Closing Supplies

Pool closing supplies can help pool chemicals keep your pool in good shape through the winter. You’ll want to have these things on hand for optimal off-season pool care: a safety cover to keep all unwanted intruders out of your pool, a pool cover pump to remove water from your pool cover, and an inflatable pool bubble to prevent ice from damaging your pool.

What chemicals do you need to close a saltwater pool?

Just like any other pool, you want to test chemicals levels and balance pool chemistry before closing your pool. Also, test and adjust salt levels. You want salt levels at the low end of the normal range because salt could react with contaminants over the winter months, staining your pool.

Use the same winterizing chemical steps as you would use on any inground pool, including shocking the pool and adding algaecide and stain and scale preventers. You can even buy winter pool kits that include all the chemicals you need in a convenient package.

One additional step for saltwater pools is to remove your salt water generator, drain it, clean it using diluted muriatic acid if necessary, and store for the winter.

Closing Time: When to Shut Your Pool for the Season

How do you know when to shut your pool for the season? For most people, the water will become chilly enough to warn you of fall’s approach. Other factors to consider in deciding when to shut your pool include outdoor temperature. When temperatures consistently dip below 65 degrees, you should probably close your pool. Lower temperatures keep algae growth down, so continue cleaning and sanitizing your pool until the thermometer starts to dip.

After going through these steps to protect your pool for the winter, you can enjoy a break from regular pool maintenance. There is usually no need to test the water in a covered pool. Pool closing chemicals should last for at least six months, unless you have additional water accumulating in your pool. A few weeks before you plan to open your pool, pull the cover back and test the water. If chemical levels are out of range, you can shock the pool and add additional algaecide.

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Ease into this pool season with PoolStyle's full line of swimming pool chemicals including sanitizers, oxidizers, algaecides, balancers and more. PoolStyle provides homeowners and pool professionals alike with safe and effective chemical products.

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